Fiona Tito Wheatland

(Public Officer) Fiona was a foundation member of CAPaD and one of the inaugural Deputy Co-convenors. While in 2017 she stood down from the Executive, she remained involved in various ways with CAPaD and Deliberate ACT. Was Deputy Convener in 2019, and has continued as Public Officer in 2020.

She is strongly interested in a more effective democracy and ways that the voices of all citizens can positively shape our community for the common good. She has considerable management experience within governments and other organisations and has legal, policy and writing skills. She is looking forward to working with the Committee and members in the networking and consolidation phase of CAPaD’s development. She is also actively involved with the Canberra Restorative Community Network, and sees both organisations as part of a complementary network, both working towards a more positive, engaged, sustainable and relational Canberra.